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Robe Technical Newsletter November 2018

This is a list of most important updates to the user and support documentation, certification, software packages and others, since the last Technical Newsletter. As always, released software updates are recommended to be applied as soon as possible, this includes Tarrantula and Spiider updates (RDM synchronization improvements, Factory calibrations fix), MegaPointe (better fan error handling) or the Robe update tool itself: ROBE Uploader (improving network detection, software version listing etc).

Software Updates

Since the last newsletter, we have released software updates to many products, mainly due to RoboSpot related feature additions, but also to add new features, improve behavior or fix bugs. You can see all changes listed in a Changelog of each software update. We do recommend to keep all units up to date to eliminate any known issues. Here are several important updates mentioned in particular:

BMFL™ WashBeam , BMFL™ Blade , DL7S Profile™ , DL4S Profile™ and several other fixtures have been updated for better compatibility with the RoboSpot system. This for example includes default settings of framing shutters, iris or combined dimmer control between RoboSpot and desk operator. Make sure to use latest software versions on the RoboSpot system and also on all units being controlled.

Tarrantula™ and Spiider® have been updated to improve RDM/DMX synchronization and also to fix Factory calibrations storage. We strongly recommend to update all units to latest version.

MegaPointe® has received RoboSpot related improvements but we have also improved detection of Fan related error messages to prevent false positives. Update is strongly recommended.

MMX Spot™, MMX Blade™ and MMX WashBeam™ have been updated to improve lamp starting behavior and to display correct error messages when lamp didn't re-start due to being hot.

ROBE Uploader 4.2

The ROBE software updating tool: ROBE Uploader, has now it's own product page to simplify access to the installation packages and documentation. We have adjusted many details concerning each supported platform and provide 32/64 bit installers for Windows, macOS (32/64 bit is in single dmg) and Linux (AppImage type of packages). To make the ROBE Uploader better again, network offline detection has been improved and we have added support for software versions to be displayed right besides changelog listing of each update. At the same time, processors are now listed by their name (for example PCB Display, PCB M) instead of just numbers (Processor 1), wherever possible. Please note that these changes (PCB names, PCB versions) not only require latest version of ROBE Uploader but are only applied to newly released fixture software updates, so you will see these improvements appearing gradually. The above mentioned MMX Series updates have already been generated with support for these new features.


User manuals are regularly being updated so make sure to always download latest version. It is easy to keep the documentation up to date with our mobile apps and also with Resilio file sync.

Replaceable gobos in Robe fixtures

To make gobo type/size/placement in ROBE Robin fixtures more understandable we have created a document called Replaceable gobos in Robe fixtures, describing all these details. This can help you as well as independent gobo manufacturers when creating custom gobo designs.

Service manuals and spares parts list

New service manuals have been released for CycBar UV™ and Divine™ 160 RGBW . Price list of spare parts has been updated accordingly.

Technical Bulletins

Final version of TB61 Pixels detection has been released. This bulletin describes troubleshooting procedure for LED Pixel detection in Spiider/Tarrantula/and few other pixel based devices. Several other bulletins have been update online, like TB57 Spikie tilt motor replacement and TB60 Externally caused damage.

Certification documents

ATM cETLus have been released for Divine™ 60 UV , UV Strobe IP™ , CycBar UV™. Noise measurements for Tarrantula™ and Spiider® have been uploaded.