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Robe in Paradise for Jaguar & Land Rover Event

Products Involved

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Mauritius is well known for its natural beauty, cosmopolitan culture and as a fabulous place for calmness and reflection, just some of the reasons that the Indian Ocean island state was chosen for Jaguar & Land Rover’s 2013 annual Dealer of the Year Awards for Africa and the Sub Sahara region.

Technical production for the three venues involved was managed and co-ordinated by Christiaan Ballot and Ryan Lombard from Blond Productions, who are based in Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa. They have worked on several previous projects for Land Rover in recent years.

They worked closely with Mauritius based Impact – the country’s top rental company – who like Blond Predictions has a big inventory of Robe fixtures! Stephane Lafort was Impact’s Project Manager.

Christiaan received a list of the  available kit from Impact and designed lighting and other technical elements for each venue around this, with Robe moving lights utilised  as key fixtures.

The main event – the Awards and Gala Dinner – was staged in a clear roofed marquee constructed in the gardens of The Heritage Le Telfair Golf & Spa Resort Hotel.

The welcome reception took place at the C Beach Club at the same hotel, and the primary conference session was held at the St Regis Hotel in the south of the island.

In the marquee the lights were rigged on a spine truss traversing the centre of the structure, and included Robe LEDWash 600s and ColorSpot 700E ATs, with more of the same also rigged on a truss at the back of the stage. These were joined by a section of generics and LED luminaires.

The light weight, small size and expedient power consumption of the LEDWashes in particular enabled more lights to be used. As well as lighting the tables and the stage, the Robes were also handy for illuminating the spaces in between these areas, in the process boosting the general atmosphere.

In The C Beach Club, ColorSpot 700E ATs were used for gobo patterning the floor and walls, adding to the generally very chilled vibe.

Says Christiaan, “It was a top end event and very important to be precise and supremely neat and tidy with all the lighting and technicals. Having the Robes on hand also helped us to light each venue according to the funky, interactive style requested by the client.

“We really enjoyed working with the Impact crew and project management teams in a true collaboration … which achieved great results”.

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